Sternberg Law Group

Foreclosure Attorney San Francisco

Being a homeowner has been a longstanding and integral aspect of the American dream – unfortunately, though, there are many events or potential scenarios that can put your most important asset and long-term investment at risk. Many unforeseen circumstances can create a real risk of foreclosure on your home. Job loss, divorce, loan term adjustments, medical costs, death of a loved one, or even an unforeseen economic downturn can create bad circumstances for mortgage repayment. The threat of foreclosure is one that most cannot see on the horizon and have trouble planning for which is why Sternberg Law Group works to protect your home and provide alternative options that can help keep you in your house. As a San Francisco foreclosure attorney, we try to keep our clients in their home even under complex foreclosures.

Recent findings have shown that San Francisco homes are valued at a median of $1,405,000 making it one of the most highly competitive and valuable markets in the world. With a rate of 1 in every 10,120 home foreclosures on average per month, many San Francisco residents are facing the potential loss of their home. Filing for bankruptcy or forcing a short sale may seem like viable options, but filing for bankruptcy without the consultation of an attorney can have devastating consequences. Being able to strategize with our team of foreclosure attorneys can help reduce your stress and possible missteps during the threat of a foreclosure. Our attorneys can help outline a strategy plan for keeping you in your home. If you’ve fallen behind on your mortgage payments and are facing the potential risk of foreclosure, it can additionally have long-lasting impacts on your credit score. This type of credit burden can prevent signing on a new mortgage or even affect applications for a rental property or other types of credit applications.

Foreclosure in San Francisco

Unlike some other states, California has what is considered a “non-judicial” foreclosure system which means that a trustee must receive multiple legal alerts in the form of letters before an entity has the right to seize a property sans court intervention. When this action occurs, the legal rights of the homeowners are thusly limited and a property is transferred to a third party or lender. If you are concerned about the possibility of defaulting on your mortgage loan, The Sternberg Law Group is ready to assist.

If you’re received a notice of default (NOD) in the mail there’s no better time to call the experts at The Sternberg Law Group. Contact us HERE today for an initial consultation.